Friday 18 September 2015

Finally autumn

Hi there! I haven't written in a while. I think my psychical condition is getting worse.  I thought that if I have a long holiday I can get better, but I was wrong. I feel depressed and I don't even know why. And I can't stand having panic attacks anymore. I thought about going to a therapist, but it's pretty expensive here and I can't really afford to do this for months. So I'm still searching on internet ways to get rid of this disorder.
So I started a mood journal. I heard it helps a lot to understand your feelings and the reasons behind them. I'm gonna let you know how my mood journal looks like.

First of all, I write the date (I'm gonna make myself to write on a daily basis). I write thrice a day: when I wake up, at lunch (2-4 hours after I wake up) and in the evening. I write how I fell, and some possible causes.
Secondly, I write about my sleep pattern. Sleep is very important. It can make your mood worse. I'm really conscious about this but I still don't get enough sleep. So I hope this journal will help me to make a sleep program. I write the hour I wake up at, and when I go to bed. I also write the amount of time I sleep, because I take naps during the day. That's it.

About my activity.... I actually went to the sea and it was pretty nice. So I drop here some photos :)
Now I'm continuing my parasitic life until I go to university. And yes, I'm officially a student and I hope, a future artist ^-^

Sunday 5 July 2015

Summer time

Hi people! I'm finally free!! (Almost free). I had my graduation and I finished my exams last Friday. I'm still waiting to see the results. I also want to burn all my books and notebooks. I know I can recycle them and make a good thing, but I really need to set them on fire. I think I'll feel better. It's like burning all the pain and useless work away. Still trying to change myself... I can say it was an extremely hard time. It was almost impossible to study. Due to my depression it was almost impossible to concentrate. I tried a lot to memorize all the essays and math formulas. I almost gave up. I started to cry, learned two more words, screamed, drank tea, learned two other words and so on. I had an "existential" crisis. It was about my future. I went through horrible pain. Whenever I'm in really bad mood, my chest hurts like hell. I get dizzy and the entire world spins around. I also feel like a metal bar is going through an ear, smash my brain and get out on the other ear. I also can't breath. It's like I'm suffocating with my own pain. I just feel like I'm loosing myself. It's really hard to get back. Then I just "fuck it" and go to sleep.

Even if I finished with my exams, I still have the admission to university. It scares me a lot. I hope it will be ok.

I started to work again. I'm a part-time waitress. I work at weddings. Yesterday I went back to the hotel (I've worked there last summer). It was exhausting. I went there on Saturday at 8 AM and I arrived home on Sunday at 8 AM. I fell asleep in the bus on my way home. I took a 5-min shower and I went to bed. I set my alarm at 12 PM but I didn't heard the phone ringing. So I slept until 4:30 PM. I'm still tired though. Anyway... I'm trying to earn some money to go to the sea. I need a break away from home. At least just a weekend.

I think it's done for the moment.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Dealing with depression

I know I haven't written in a while. I just didn't feel like writing on this blog. Unfortunately I found out that I have depression. How do I deal with it? I don't really do it...
Well... It's been a while since I realized. I started to have sleep problems. I sleep way too much during the day and I often wake up during the night. I also have nightmares. Sometimes I eat too much, sometimes I don't eat at all. I don't fell either sadness or happiness. There are moments when I think I loose control. I just feel despaired, I have panic attacks. And the worse part is that I lost interest in all things I used to love, like drawing or practicing martial arts.

But I can't stay like this forever, so I need to change somehow. I try everyday to make something that can ameliorate my low mood.
I started to keep a journal. Actually two. I have a Moleskine where I keep track of my activities and where I record my dreams. I also have a little notebook where I write how I feel. Just some ideas, three-four lines. It helps me to organize my thoughts.
I started some new activities that I enjoy. Yesterday I went to Zen meditation :)
I try to comfort myself. I drink tea, I read, I watch a good movie.

I just stay and wait, hoping that someday I'll be alright.

To say how I feel, I'll leave here a quote. Some days before finding this, I have written the same thing. Obviously, not so poetic and metaphorical...

“I think about dying but I don't want to die. Not even close. In fact my problem is the complete opposite. I want to live, I want to escape. I feel trapped and bored and claustrophobic. There’s so much to see and so much to do but I somehow still find myself doing nothing at all. I’m still here in this metaphorical bubble of existence and I can’t quite figure out what the hell I’m doing or how to get out of it.” —Matty Healy

Sunday 11 January 2015

First post

Hello everybody! This should be my first post. So I have to tell you what you'll find on this blog.

First of all, I have to tell you that English is not my mother tongue. I'm sorry for all the mistakes I'll make while writing. If you are a grammar nazi you can correct me if you want. I'll thank you :)

As my profile says, I'm interested in fine arts, fashion and Japan. Actually I want to study Graphic design and I hope I'll be admitted this year. I still have to graduate from highschool. I'm pretty sure you'll find a lot of bullshit on my blog, because my life is boring as fuck. But I'll try to make it as interesting as I can. I'll post some review of products I buy (rarely, because I'm poor and I don't buy things you could be interested). I'm vegetarian, so I think I'll share some of my recipes with you. Also I'll make reviews of movies/anime I watch. I'll make handmade things and I'm planning to sell some of them in the next future. I'll show you my drawing progress. I'll post all the things I think you'll be interested or not. And not to forget, I'll move soon by myself. So I'll let you know about the life of a student who tries not to die of hunger :))

I hope you'll enjoy spending your time here. Oh.. and leave me comments to see if I'm writing for myself. But even if I write for myself, I'll continue to do it because I have to improve my English :))

Thank you! ~~~ ^-^
